I am in Louisville, Kentucky for a fitness business conference. A theme that keeps popping up is getting out of your comfort zone. This is something I ask people to do all the time, so this is a great reminder how hard it is to actually do!
Most fitness people did not get into the business because they are super passionate about the business side of things. Even though I have a Business Minor, a lot of the business stuff is really hard for me.
So I am learning about all the ways that have held me back from growing my business because I have been too comfortable. I do well enough where I am not starving, but I have seen a downward trend in business because I got away from doing things that make me uncomfortable.
What do you need to do to step out of your comfort zone? What have you done in the past that worked, but you quit doing? When you look back on when you looked and felt you best, you were probably doing some things that you are not doing now. Maybe it's meal prepping or strength training or getting up early or any number of things that you have gotten away from.
So let's both commit to doing the hard things that we know we will help us, if we will just step out on faith and know we can get better.