
I few years ago I was involved in a business that I really thought would be perfect for me. Great product, went along with what I already do, and I could help even more people reach their goals.


I put a lot of time, money, and effort into this business. The business was doing ok, but then I woke up one day and realized I did not have the passion for it.


Teaching fitness classes, writing, speaking to groups about health and fitness, etc... are the things that I wake up every morning excited about. What I was not excited about was the other business I had started. That should have been the first sign to get out of it immediately, but I stayed in it.


The effort and time I put in dwindled, but I was still putting money into the business. Not a good combo. I saw other people in the industry become very successful, so I hung on even longer.


In the end, I had fallen victim to what is called the sunken cost fallacy. I had put so much into this thing that I was very reluctant to give up on it, even though I knew it was what I should do.


Have you ever fallen victim to that? Found yourself so invested in an exercise program, membership, a nutrition plan, or even a piece of expensive equipment that you refuse to change?


You have to admit failure to begin success.


Take a good, hard look at what you are doing now. Is it working? Is it positively effecting your physical and emotional well being?


I know from experience it is hard to change once you are so ingrained in something, but to move forward you have to do something different to get a different result. There are hundreds of ways to get in shape, lose weight, and feel great. There is no reason to continue something that you don't enjoy, doesn't give you results, and is not improving your life.


Best of luck beginning your path to success!