
Are there really only 8 weeks left in 2015? This year has been crazy.


We are all great starters. The first 2 weeks of 2015, gyms are all crammed full of people. New workout shoes and clothes as far as the eye can see.


But then the newness wears off. The routine gets, well too routine.


It's just like this job I had one time. They wanted me to be there almost every day! For 8 hours at a time, it was terrible.



Eating healthy was going great until your personal chef never showed up to cook and prepare all those healthy meals.


I know many of you have been there before, myself included. My wife can tell you about my failed attempts to learn the guitar and play golf. Bagger Vance made it look so easy.



These things take tons of practice and determination? Why can't I just be a natural at it? I'm out!


I want to encourage all of you become strong finishers, especially when it comes to exercise. Not only does that mean sticking to your workout plan, it also in the actual workout itself.


Think about the last time you stopped in the middle of a set of exercises or in the middle of a run. Why did you stop? Was it because your muscles gave out or because your mind gave out? You have to train your mind to be stronger than your body.


Quitting is a habit. Each time you quit, it sends a message to your body that it has found your stopping point every time you challenge your body. This means it becomes easier to quit and harder to overcome that urge each time.


On the flip side, not giving up can be a habit too. Teach your body to redefine the limits each time you exercise. That is how runners build up to running marathons. They go a little further each time, until that longer distance is their new reality.


Don't give up! Your body will tell you to stop. Don't listen. Even if it means going one extra step on a run, do it. If it means one more repetition on an exercise, get that little extra.


Finish strong this year. You can get a lot accomplished in 8 weeks. You don't have to be a recluse during the holidays either. Commit to exercising at least 3 days per week for the rest of the year.


Doesn't have to be 2 hours a day either. A 10 minute workout done with intensity and focus trumps 60 minutes of wandering around randomly doing things with half effort.


Make finishing strong a habit and your results will increase exponentially in everything you do.