Most of us are interested in losing body fat, but there is so much info out there! With all of the confusing info out there, I want to provide you with 6 ways to lose fat.
Don't try to start doing everything on this list all at once. That is a recipe for disaster for most people. Instead, pick out one thing you think would be the easiest for you to make a habit and start there. Once that becomes a habit, move on to the next one. Repeat until you are doing everything on the list.
1. JERF- Just Eat Real Food
If you did nothing else on this list, you could cure a lot of problems if you just followed this one thing. Cutting processed and fast food out of your diet and eating things that come from the Earth is exactly what your body needs. Make an effort to cook and eat more meals that are prepared with whole, natural foods.
Crazy stat from Dr. Mark Hyman-There 600,000 processed food items in our environment. 80% of them contain added sugar.
2. Liquid calories
This can be a huge problem for a lot of people. Liquid calories (coffees, alcohol, soft drinks, juices) can easily and quickly add 300-500 calories into your diet. If that is you, this is a great area to begin making changes! I'm not asking you to stop drinking your favorite calorie laden drink every day, but I am encouraging you to start reducing the calories in it.
An example is switching from a Frappuccino to a skim-milk latte. That alone could save you 200-300 calories per day!
3. Move more, sit less
Energy is a weird thing. You have to have the energy to at least get out and move a little bit, but then that little bit of moving can give you back more energy than you had before. You just need to start.
More and more studies are showing that sitting is worse than smoking and can actually undo all of the exercise you have been doing. Plus you will burn more calories and it will help reduce aches and pains from staying in the same position all day. Lots of wins here.
Get up at the very least, once and hour and walk around a little bit.
4. Strength training 
Strength training is the fountain of youth. It can be weights, bands, bodyweight, milk jugs, or whatever you have that provides resistance. This WILL NOT make you big and bulky, instead it will help you stay slim and sexy instead.
You will build lean muscle, which will help you get rid of fat, which will give you more energy, which will make you more mobile, which will give you better quality of life. Everything gets better when you get stronger.
5. Sleep
A study from 2010 published in Science Daily found that lack of sleep can reduce fat loss by 55%. This is even when calories and activity levels were the same. Lack of sleep can make you feel hungrier, burn less calories, and hold on to fat longer.
Make an effort to get enough quality sleep each night. Here are a few tips to get better sleep if this is an area you need to
work on --->Quality Sleep
6. Portion control
Have you heard of diets where you eat noting but Twinkies or cookies or something crazy like that? Do you know you can lose weight on them? Because you are reducing calories. On the flip side, you can actually gain weight eating grilled chicken breasts and rice all day. Portion control is crucial to your success.
More on portion control and how to use the hunger scale in my next e-mail.