
We've all heard of Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he did to advance the civil rights movement. How much do you know about Ralph Abernathy?


Dr. King was the fire, passion, and motivation behind the movement but it would not have worked without Ralph Abernathy. When Dr. King would get people fired up and ready to act, Mr. Abernathy was the one that had the plan for what the people needed to do next.


One would not have worked without the other. If Dr. King was the Why, Mr. Abernathy was the How.


Have you ever watched a video, heard a speech, saw a movie, etc... and it got you all excited about getting in shape and losing weight. What happened next?


For a lot of people it is flurry of activity and then a fizzling out. If you go to a gym, you may notice that that the crowd is starting to thin out already. People have their why, but don't always have the How.


My job as a fitness professional is a to provide the How. I can help with the Why, but that is something that has to come from within. You have to show up and do the tough work, I have the easy part.


So if you are already motivated, but you just need some help on sticking to a plan send me an e-mail to info@HuntsvilleBootCamp.com and tell me how I can help you.