I love hiking this time of year! The temperatures are just so non-snakey. 

Yesterday I got to thinking about this really good book called "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. It is about a woman who decided to hike along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) by herself. Her route would take her over a thousand miles and she had never backpacked in her life. 

What could go wrong?

As you can imagine, lots of stuff does go wrong. I won't tell you everything that happened, you will have to read the book. 

Or you could watch the movie starring Reese Witherspoon...I wanted to share a few lessons that you can apply to your life that I got out of the book.

1. "Who's tougher than you?"

Along the trail, Cheryl developed a personal mantra to keep herself motivated and putting one foot in front of the other. She would say out loud, "Who's tougher than you? and then answer herself "No one!"

I thought that was a really cool way to keep yourself motivated. She said even though she knew it was not true it still made her feel better and helped her push on.

What is a personal mantra you can develop to keep yourself going?

2. "You're doing great"

She meets a fellow hiker along the way who really buoys her spirits. He lets her know how amazing she is doing so far and to keep up the good work.

This one works both ways. First, you need people like that in your life. Someone who will lift you up and encourage you when you want to give up and give in. 

Second, you can be that person for someone else! If you notice someone who is giving it their all, struggling, and just trying to get by please share a word of encouragement with them. 

You never know how much it will mean to them. And it will make you feel good too.

3. "A mosquito, my libido"

At one point Cheryl is extremely bored, hurting, and needing something to take her mind off of things so she begins to sing Nirvana lyrics to herself over and over. She recites poetry. She does everything to take her mind somewhere else.

Your mind is an amazing thing. If you focus on the pain and tedium of a workout, it only seems to grow. But if you can take yourself elsewhere through music, laughter, etc... you will be amazed at how much further you can go.

4. "If they can do it so can I"

She would see other hikers along the way and tell herself if they could do it, so can I. This is one I have used in my life several times. 

When I first started my business, I would see other successful business owners and think "Why not me?" If they can do it, so can I. It helps to see others do what you want to do.

There are people just like you who are making changes in their lives that others have deemed impossible. Why couldn't you be the next one?

You're tougher than you think and more resilient than you give yourself credit for.

You can do hard things. 

Tone and Trim On Your Time

I've designed 3 workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment that will:

-Increase your metabolism

-Build lean muscle

-Tone your whole body

-Increase cardiovascular endurance

-Keep your body guessing with lots of variety

-Accommodate every level from the beginner to advanced

These workouts can all be done in 30 minutes or less and you can do them any time you like. You can get those for free at this link:
