There's not enough cloud humor these days
This is the time of year when stuff gets real. So much to do, so many places to go, and so much food!
What typically happens? You wear yourself out, put on a few pounds, and end up getting sick.
It is very common. Combining stress, with less sleep, and high calorie foods and drinks makes for a dangerous recipe.
Not this year! I've got the perfect solution for you.
You may think that you could never stick to a program like this, that it is probably too difficult for you to finish, and that you won’t get results.
Those concerns are exactly what I was trying to overcome when coming up with this program!
I didn’t want this to be something only the elite and advanced people can complete. This HAD to be designed so anyone and everyone could have success.
In this program, you will get 3-5 workouts each week for 21 days. These workouts are designed to fit any fitness level and leave you feeling accomplished and challenged all at the same time. From the person just starting their fitness program to the most advanced fitness enthusiast, you will be challenged from our workouts, but you will also have a great sense of accomplishment throughout the program.
In fact, most of our clients started out feeling scared, out of shape, and nervous that they wouldn’t fit in. Now they can’t wait to come in and work out with their new friends!
Along with these workouts, we have an easy-to-follow meal plan that you can customize to your needs. This includes recipes, the meal plan, and more!
The best part about the meal plan is that this isn’t a starvation diet, either! You will be eating plenty of healthy foods at the right times to turn your body into a fat-burning machine!
Those two things, combined with the coaching and accountability you get in the program, will lead to incredible results.
A program like this could easily sell for over $200! People pay for results, and I am guaranteeing that you get results from this program.
But I don’t want price to keep you from getting the best results of your life. With this in mind, I’ve decided to discount this program to just $79!
Training, nutrition, accountability, and coaching—all for just $26/week!
There is one catch, however…
Because our classes are going to be indoors a lot with the cold weather, we only have room for 2 people per time slot.
So if you are ready to tighten up that tummy, trim down those thighs, and tone up those arms, make sure to register for our 21-Day Rapid Fat Loss Program!
-Look for the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Camp
-Then select the time slot that works best for you (530am, 830am, 530pm)
-And then just follow the prompts from there.
This program will start on December 1st, one week from today. Set the tone for 2015, by ending 2014 with a bang!