I may be in trouble on this one

  Today is Ash Wednesday which is the start of the Lenten season for Christians. It is a time of sacrifice when a lot of people will choose to give something up. My choice this year? Coffee. This one is going to hurt. I love me some coffee. Drink it every day, with...
Let's be honest…

Let's be honest…

Let's look at the real reason you are in the shape you are in now. It is you. I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth. It's because (insert excuse here)  -injury -illness -my schedule -my family -job -genetics -age -weather Any of those sound familiar? The list...
Adam Carolla and your health

Adam Carolla and your health

I was listening to Adam Carolla one time and he made a point about unhealthy eating habits and airplane travel that stuck with me. You may have heard of Adam Carolla he was on The Man Show, Dancing With the Stars, Loveline on MTV,  has a unibrow, and he rides a...
Long slow walk to nowhere

Long slow walk to nowhere

  This is an article by Mike Boyle, who is one of the most respected guys in the fitness industry. He trains high level athletes as well as regular people trying to get in the best shape of their life. Here are some of his thoughts on training.  This was the second of...
5 steps to maximize results

5 steps to maximize results

Are you taking care of you? You have been exercising and eating right, but you aren't getting the results you think you should. Sound familiar? You need some extra self care. Here are 5 steps to better results. 1. De-stress Stress makes you fat. Fat makes you unhappy....