I think I can???

I think I can???

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. I have been telling people that for years, but now I actually have something to back it up with. A study at Miriam Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island asked a group of people a series of questions involving...
Was it worth it?

Was it worth it?

So I've been telling you about all the things I learned in Nashville. I don't get out much, so when I do lots of things are new to me and I learn a lot. We hung out all weekend, ate out every meal, and had a great time. Here was my only problem. I felt like crap. I do...
The Why and How of Hotel Workouts

The Why and How of Hotel Workouts

So I went to Nashville over the weekend and I learned 2 health related things and one disturbing thing. The disturbing thing is that LOTS of dudes are rocking the skinny jeans these days. Bad times. The first health related thing I learned is that I can't eat like I...

Hotel workout

Quick, easy way to exercise in your hotel or any confined space
Has anyone seen my motivation?

Has anyone seen my motivation?

Too many people forget to move when they workout. Sounds silly, but it's true. I will get more into that later on down the road, I just want to plant that seed today. When you workout, don't forget to actually move around a little.  Movement=calories burned=skinny...