Tip 1, wear hat with horns

Tip 1, wear hat with horns

On Wednesday, I told you about our new Warrior Dash Training class. Today I want to offer you some tips that will help you as well.

Some of these may sound obvious, but people neglect many of these because they are so focused on things like mud and fire. Use these simple tips on race day to avoid mistakes that have caused me unnecessary pain.

1. Dress the part

Dress like it is 15-20 degrees warmer than it actually is because once you get going that is what it will feel like. A shirt that wicks moisture is ideal if you have one.

2. Staying hydrated 

Make sure you are well hydrated starting the day before the race. You don’t want to have to wake up and chug a bunch of water to get right. Slow and steady wins the hydration race. The day of the race, make sure to drink some water before, take advantage of the water stations during the race, and then rehydrate afterwards.

3. Avoid this

Use the bathroom at home, your hotel, or somewhere close to the race if at all possible! Unless you are a fan of long lines and stanking Port O Potties, then by all means wait until you get there.

4. Secure the perimeter

For the Warrior Dash wear some clothes you don’t care about, but also you might need something tight underneath to keep the mud from getting in hard to reach areas. You live and learn...

5. Don't miss your wave

Get there earlier than you think you need to be there. Traffic is usually crazy, so it may take awhile to get to the starting line. Give yourself an hour more than you think you need and you will probably be right on time.

6. Know thy pre-race meal

Whatever you typically eat and can stomach before a workout, stick with it. This is not the time to try new foods, supplements, and drinks.

7. Footwear

Not the time to try different shoes either, not that you plan on getting your new kicks all muddy and dirty. This also means not bringing those shoes you haven't worn in 10 years with the holes all in them. You are still doing at least a 5K, wear shoes that won't lead to injury.

8. Make sure you warm up!

One year, I was too busy gathering people together for the run, answering questions, watching some guy drink and smoke in line for the race (seriously), and I neglected to warm up. Not good. Makes for a much rougher race.

9. Don’t start too fast

I combined the no warm up thing, with starting off really fast. Also, not good. Your adrenaline will be going, tons of people around, and the way they start the race will pump you up. Run your race. Get in the back if you need to. You will end up passing knuckleheads like me who sprint at the beginning and then are sucking wind shortly after.

10. Cool down afterwards

Most people know to warm-up, but many neglect to cool down. Instead of sprinting straight through the finish line to the beer tent, do some walking and light stretching afterwards along with rehydrating to avoid cramping up.


If you are worried about the training leading up to the race, sign up for the class here ---->Warrior Dash Training