Are you a planner? Do you have to have all your ducks in a row before you do anything?


I am married to one of those people. Thank goodness, because I am the exact opposite. Marriage is all about filling in each other’s gaps.


There is definitely a time to plan, get ready, and make sure you have all the bases covered. But it can also be a sticking point.


It becomes a sticking point if it keeps you from taking action. Do you know what science has determined to be the perfect time to start exercising? Now. Now is the best time.


I love this quote I heard from Tim Ferriss: “Don’t be afraid to attempt what you are not qualified to do.”


I also like this quote from Kamal Ravikant, investor and author, “If I only did things I was qualified for I’d be pushing a broom somewhere.”


-Do not be afraid to do your first 5K because you don’t think you are ready.

-Do not be afraid to start Adventure Boot Camp because you think it is too hard or you can’t keep up. Spoiler alert- it's not and you can.

-Do not hold yourself back from reaching your full potential because that lying voice in your head says you can’t.


Go all in this year, put yourself out there, and see what happens. It won’t be easy, it will hurt, but it will be worth it. Don’t go through another year with regrets.


This is the year and now is the time. Take that first step towards change and just keep stepping.


Happy 2017 to you!