I was at Camp Sumatanga last week supporting a friend on his Emmaus Walk. Very cool experience and I was very grateful for the opportunity to be there.

One of the musicians there was blind. It was amazing! He was playing guitar and singing all without the benefit of sight.

My mind tends to wander, so I started to think about some of the TV features I have seen with blind people. How they have everything in their home a certain way, so they freely navigate around without tripping.

They have a checklist of sorts in their head that helps put things on autopilot. This got me thinking that a similar thing would be helpful for people trying to eat healthy and exercise.

So I put together an example of a checklist you could use to improve your success rate with added accountability. My suggestion is to look at this example and make it fit your lifestyle.

Accountability checklist:

_______ workout clothes and shoes ready for the next day (always have workout clothes and shoes with you just in case)

_______ alarm set

_______ workout plan written down (if exercising on your own)

_______ change of clothes and toiletries packed (if showering/changing at work)

_______ quick breakfast planned for after workout

_______ healthy lunch packed or planned

_______ record all meals in food journal

_______ turn off electronics at 8pm

These are just a few things that can help you stay on track. Most days you might not be able to check every box and that’s ok. It’s striving to get better every day that is the main goal.

Take a look at that list, think about what you struggle with the most, and put together your own list. Having a plan will save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. It is well worth a few minutes of your time to put one together.