
Image by xamogelo via Flickr


Thanks for all the feedback on the first part of this series. I find lots of nerdy things interesting, so it's good to know you also enjoy this stuff. I appreciate you letting me know when you enjot something and also when you don't. I am all about YOU. And burpees. On to more tidbits.

-The thermic effect of feeding (TEF) is responsible for about 10% of your daily calorie burn

-It takes 10-30 calories per 100 calories consumed. Carbs are 5-10 calories and fats are 0-3 calories per 100 consumed

-Eating a high fiber diet (24-30 grams a day) will make you burn an extra 80-90 calories a day (would equal a loss of 9 pounds of year just from eating more fiber)

-Grazing is not good

-Eating too much food at one time can lessen the TEF

-The body does not do good with erratic eating

-Eating breakfast increases your metabolism by 5%

-Skipping meals slows your metabolism

-Thermic effect of physical activity (TEPA) is responsible for 15-30% of calorie burn

-TEFA consists of Activities of Daily Living (ADL), the “fidget” factor, and exercise

-People who stayed busy with ADL (washing cars, cleaning house, doing yardwork, etc…) were more physically fit than people who spent an hour a day in the gym (that one hurts)

-Weight loss is 80-90% nutrition

-An estimated 1/3 of the population can overeat at a moderate level without gaining weight. It is thought to be because of non-exercise activity thermogenosis (NEAT)

-A study that had men and women overeat 1000 calories a day for 8 weeks. The most fidgety/restless gained only 3 pounds, while the least fidgety gained 16 pounds (Who volunteers for that? How do you measure a fidget? On a side note, next time you are in a meeting pay attention to the guy or girl that can’t hold still. Most times they are pretty thin. She must have read my article Fight Fat With a Fidget.)

-If you have to choose one mode of exercise, do strength training

-A study compared women who walked an hour 5 times a week versus women who strength trained 2 times per week. The strength trainers burned 15% more calories due to increased energy levels (They had more energy for those daily activities)

-If you have to choose doing cardio or strength training first in a workout, do strength training first

-There is no “fat burning” zone, that is a myth

-Walking burns a higher percentage of fat, but running burns more fat and fat calories overall

-Weight is determined by calories in calories out. Period.

-Intensity in exercise is the key to weight loss

-Women who are experienced exercisers burn more calories at rest and lose fat easier than women who are sedentary or just beginning to exercise (why it’s important to stick to a program!)

-If the scale is not going down the person is eating too much



That’s all for Women, Exercise, and Metabolism. The next lecture notes will be about Nutrient Timing. This will apply more to people who are looking to increase performance, but I think you will find it interesting.