
I have a new goal in life. To become a master of the wok.

My wife got one for her birthday in September and it just sat there for a couple of months. Then one day I decided to put that baby to use. Heroes don’t always wear capes.

It took me an hour to cure that thing and get it into cooking shape. Woks are fancy like that. But it has been awesome!

I’m a changed man. I’m cutting up vegetables more, looking up recipes, trying new things. I even went into this Asian market that I pass by all the time, but never go in. Some really interesting things happening in there FYI.

My point in sharing this is that you need to find a way to get excited about healthy cooking, just like you do about exercising. A good way to jump start that is cooking using a new method (wok, grill, Crock Pot), trying new foods, eating the same foods with different spices, etc…

It is easy to get into an eating rut where you eat the same things all the time. Branch out and you will find yourself cooking more, spending less on eating out, and saving yourself a lot of unwanted calories.