On Friday I sent out an e-mail with two resources to help you cut down/eliminate your sugar intake. They are The Sugar Addiction Answer book and the home study course the 28-Day Sugar Free Me.

Both resources are each $19.95 a piece and come with a money back guarantee if they don't work. That is my promise to you, either they work for you or you get all your money back no questions asked.

These will take the guess work and frustration out of having to try to kick this habit on your own. Use these step-by-step instructions for your very own success blueprint.

You just need to decide what type of person you are. If you are a dive right in, give me all the information at once! Then you would choose The Sugar Addiction Answer book. You get all the information right away to consume at your own pace.

If you are more of a give me the information in small doses, so I can process it and understand it. Then you would want to take the 28-Day Sugar Free Me Course. With that, you would get one lesson per day for a month.

You can choose which one you would like below:

Sugar Addiction Answer--->undefined

28-Day Sugar Free Me --->undefined

Feel free to send me any questions or concerns you might have about either of these two valuable resources.