Complaining word with a line


Stinking allergies. Anybody else feeling the wrath of the incoming allergy season?


All the feelings of being sick without the light at the end of the tunnel that you will feel better in a week or so.


I HATE not feeling 100% as I'm sure you do, so it was starting to effect my mood.


I can't breath very good. I'm light headed. Working out is much rougher.


Woe is me, my life is so rough.


Do you see where this is going? Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to get right.


I got kicked swiftly and efficiently on Saturday.


Saturday afternoon I went to meet with a guy from my church who needs some help exercising. He is 81 and has severe Parkinson's.


He is still sharp as a tack, but he has speech problems along with a wide array of physical problems. Walking the 10 feet to his kitchen with his walker takes so much out of him he is drained from it. He has someone come every morning to feed and bathe him.


Every little thing that I take for granted is a battle for him. Makes my little allergy thing, look like the tiny issue it is.


Are you taking your health for granted? If you have the physical ability to exercise and you are not, I strongly urge you start today.


You were made to move, exercise, and be active. You may not be able to do as much as you could when you were younger, but you can do more than you are doing now.


Start small, stay consistent, keep challenging yourself, and you can make a huge amount of progress in a few short months.