Our church collects food for the food pantry at St. Paul United Methodist Church. People come and drop their food off at our church once a month and it is my job to collect all of it to bring to St. Paul’s.


Maybe takes me a couple of hours to do, but I was really busy recently and I was kind of griping in my head about having to do it. Thinking I needed to find someone else to do this for me every month. Basically just being a whiny baby about it.


But I did it and as I dropped off the last bag of food, a lady came in to pick up her food allotment for the week. When she saw how much food there was she broke down in tears and asked to pray with the ladies who were there. I carried her food out to her car for her and she could not thank me enough. She said this food was going to save her family. It was three grocery bags of food.


Message received.


That was a GREAT reminder of why I do that job. It is easy to get caught up in your day-to-day routine and forget how important some things are. Especially when you don’t see the results of it first hand.


Do you remember why you started exercising? Why you started eating better? Why you decided to get healthier?


Maybe you were sick and tired of being sick and tired. Or you did not want to be overweight and on 5 different prescriptions. Or you wanted to set a good example for your kids.


Whatever it is, you need to think back and remember why! Especially if you feel like you are in a bit of a rut or a plateau. That is the most important time for that little push you need to get back on track.


Your goal is worth it, keep pushing.