
I have a question for you. What state the most obese people? That's pretty easy right? It is Mississippi. For now any way, Alabama tends to sneak back on top every now and then.

But do you know what has the most hungry people?

The answer to that is also Mississippi.

How can that be? How can the people who have the most extra weight on them, still be hungry?

There are several reasons, but the biggest cause is poor nutrition habits. People who struggle financially buy low cost, low nutritional value food that tends to be overly processed.

In short, they are not eating enough calories so what they do eat gets stored as fat. And what they are taking in does nothing to nourish their bodies (no vitamins, nutrients, etc…), so they are still starving.

This happens to people I train too. Have you ever gone on a diet that involved a heavy rotation of "healthy" microwave meals? You probably were not happy with the results and you more than likely stayed hungry.

It doesn't have to be like that! Make sure you are eating nutrient dense foods. Nutrient dense foods are foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, and fiber but not packed with calories. Such as black beans, eggs, apples, quinoa, and avocados to name a few.

I find this odd

I find this odd

One of the biggest take aways people get from being on the 30 day plan with Isagenix is that they aren't starving all day. The calories are reduced, but the calories you are taking in are nutrient dense calories so your body is more satiated. I truly believe in Isagenix or I would not recommend it to you.

Also, think about the things you eat on a daily basis. Are they packed with nutrients or chemicals and other junk? A cool resource is The World's Healthiest Foods. you can go to this link and they list what they consider 126 of the world's healthiest foods.


As always, I am here to help if you ever need anything. Let me know how I can help you reach your goals.