
If you have younger children or grandchildren, this will be important information. A recent study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found out something disturbing.


They found that kids who eat a lot of unhealthy fats, processed foods, and sugar can actually decrease their IQ as they get older. On the flip side, kids who ate nutrient rich foods showed an increase in their IQs as they got older.


If you've seen how many of the kids look these days you can guess they are not eating following a good eating plan. Some common habits I have observed last week are :


-10 year olds drinking giant Monster Energy Drinks (have you ever met a 10 year old that needed more energy?)

-sugar laden cereals and Pop Tarts for breakfast

-processed meats and cheese with crackers (the old Lunchable) for lunch

-microwave dinners


I'm sure you have observed several habits yourself that are causing are children to pack on the pounds. Now it appears we are making them dumber too?? Unacceptable.


I have a 9 year old boy, so I'm not going to act like he eats healthy all the time. We give hime a lot of the foods mentioned above (minus the energy drinks), but it is only every now and then. He would live off of donuts and McDonald's if he had his way. That's why he's not in charge.


My son eats pretty healthy most of the time, but he didn't get like that overnight. My wife and I started early getting them to eat healthy. So if your child does not become Jack LaLanne overnight, it is ok just stay the course and don't give up.

Sweetest jumpsuit around

Sweetest jumpsuit around

Parents, it starts with US. WE feed them. WE buy the groceries. And most of all they watch what WE eat.


Your kids will not die if they can't eat Cheetos. Kids will learn to like vegetables if that is the only option they have to eat. It is our job to find what vegetables they will eat and how to prepare them.


Refusing to eat a meal because it is not fried macaroni and cheese dipped in chocolate with a 40 ounce Pepsi is not going to kill them either. When you're really hungry, all of the sudden other foods get a little more attractive.


Eating unhealthy is a learned habit, but it can be unlearned. It is time to teach them how to eat healthy. And it all starts with us as parents.


Lead from the front, set the example, and don't give up. Your kids are worth the extra effort and so are you.


PS- I'm starting some fitness classes for kids very soon to help address some of these issues.  More details will come soon.