I want to let you in on a secret ninja trick that fitness professionals use. I call it the 5 Whys, other people call it other things. Precision Nutrition has an excellent article on it with a ton of other great info as well.
Check the link here ---> The Best Motivator
The 5 Whys is a simple, but effective technique you can do on your own. But, and this is a big caveat, it is going to be very hard emotionally to execute it.
Almost everyone who joins an exercise program wants to lose weight. The numbers I see range from 5-75 pounds they would like to lose. The number is not as important as the why.
The picture shows how the 5 Whys can drive you down deep into your reason for wanting to reach that goal. Have you ever dug down that deep into your Why? Maybe your Why is not that compelling, but it probably is!
If you haven't I would encourage you to try to go 5 Whys into it and see what you discover. It's very likely you won't even realize your true reason for wanting to lose weight.
I would highly encourage you to do this exercise, it is extremely powerful. Take some time this weekend, it is worth the effort. When you find your true Why it will make you unstoppable.
PS- if you would like to hop on the phone or go through this exercise with me via text/e-mail, just send me an e-mail at HuntsvilleBootCamp@gmail.com and put 5 Whys in the subject line. No strings attached and no cost, I truly believe in this technique and want you to get the best results possible.