
My son has recently got into reading Calvin and Hobbes. I love Calvin and Hobbes, so this is a great bonding experience because those books are still hilarious.


This guy is pretty hilarious too


Calvin is a young boy who is lawyers getting into trouble and adventures with his stuffed tiger Hobbes. Calvin is not a fan of organized sports, so they come up with something called Calvinball.


There is only one rule to Calvinball and that is that you can not play it the same way twice. My son thought this sounded awesome, so he asked me if we could play and I thought that sounded awesome too.


We got out a tire, soccer ball, football, inflatable float thing, some rope, a scooter, and a 360 degree Razor scooter. We kicked, threw, roped, rode, chased, wrestled, and next thing you know nearly an hour had gone by. It was one of the greatest workouts ever!


Your assignment is to go out this weekend and have some unstructured play time. Life is too short to be so serious all the time. Run, skip, hop, kick, throw, hike, dance, or whatever form of movement speaks to you. It doesn't matter if you have a kid with you or not, it is even better with a group of adults. The point is to have fun and MOVE!


I guarantee if you do this, you will laugh and feel so much better overall. Your neighbor will think you are nuts, but he cuts his grass with scissors who is he to judge? Just remember, you can't play it the same way twice.


Have a great weekend!