There are many ways that can lead to success in the fitness world. I have seen people get tremendous results with boot camp, Crossfit, lifting weighs, Zumba, running, and many other ways of moving your body. They all had the same thing in common though.


The person who succeeded set a goal and refused to give up.


Getting a trainer is an awesome idea. Getting a workout partner works really good. Getting into a workout group is excellent too. But it eventually boils down to 10 2-letter words.


If it is to be, it is up to me.


People can help you along the way. You can be given all the tools and knowledge in the world. But you are the one that will have to execute.


If you think about it, that is the best news you will hear all day! That means you already have everything within you that it takes to be successful. There is power in realizing that about yourself.


Never doubt yourself for one minute. Never doubt that you aren’t good enough or strong enough. You don't need magic, luck, or pixie dust. Even though pixie dust is pretty awesome.


The only super power you need is consistency.


If you ever need a cheerleader, if you ever need someone to just listen to you, or if you just need some advice I'm here for you. Decide today what you want to do, write out the plan, and get to work!