One of the best ways to rid yourself of negativity is to create something positive yourself. Here is your challenge this week.


Do something for someone who has no hope of paying you back.


If you have ever done something like this before, you know you get back so much more than what you give. It is hard to have negative thoughts when you are focused on helping others.


Kind of like it is impossible not to smile while you are skipping. Try it some time, it's scientifically proven.


Mental floss offers 7 reason why you should help others. They are:


1. It helps you live longer

2. It is contagious (think of when someone pays for your order at a drive thru)

3. Makes us happy

4. Some studies show it helps with chronic pain

5. Lowers blood pressure

6. Promotes positive behavior in teens

7. Gives us a sense of purpose and and satisfaction


My job is to keep you accountable. So let me know what you decide to do this week and I will share whatever I end up doing as well. I guarantee this will work.