In my last post I talked about The Dangers of FitBits and Food Labels. The main point was that it was a tedious and inaccurate way to try and watch your weight.


So what are you supposed to do instead? Let's start with a picture from Precision Nutrition, who I consider to be the go to source for nutrition information.


This seems like an extremely simple method, but you would be amazed at how well it works. You hopefully always have your hands with you, so no special tools are required. No measuring or weighing your food.

Bottom line-anyone can do this and it will work.


You may have to make some adjustments here and there. If you are still struggling to drop weight, you might need to cut down on a few carbs at some meals and/or take away the serving of fats at one meal.


If you are counting calories and measuring your food and it is working for you, there is no need to change! Don't fix what isn't broken. But if you are struggling and you need somewhere to start, this is what I would recommend.


What about tracking calorie burn from exercise? I wouldn't worry about that either. Instead, focus on an exercise program that you will stick to first.


Once you get to where you are doing some sort of movement 3 days a week, you can start addressing the need for a well rounded program. Including strength training, cardiovascular training, improving mobility, etc...


The simpler and more convenient you can make fitness and nutrition, the more successful you will be. Try the Precision Nutrition guidelines and focus on getting good, consistent movement as often as you can. When you get to where you need fine tuning, please let know and I will help any way I can.