
There is a hallway at my church where all the kid’s classrooms are. The walls are all painted with famous stories and people from the Bible.

One year my wife and I were leading a Sunday school class and I had a brilliant idea involving marshmallows and a painting of Goliath.

You have probably heard the story in the Bible about David and Goliath. Where tiny David killed the fearsome giant Goliath by flinging a smooth stone into Goliath’s forehead.

I thought it would be pretty awesome to have the kids act like David and try to throw their marshmallows into Goliath’s forehead. They loved it! There was just one problem.

There’s always that one kid.

One kid had apparently been licking his marshmallow while he waited in line. Then when it was his turn he ran up and dunked Goliath in the forehead like he was Lebron James. You would be amazed at how quickly a marshmallow sticks to a painting of Goliath and it would not come off!

Goliath had marshmallow residue on him for weeks! Every time I walk by that painting I am reminded of that day. It also reminds me of the kids’ laughter, enthusiasm, and zest for life that day. It is also a reminder that there are kids that look up to me and I need to be a good example. Every time I see that guy it is a great reminder.

You can set up visual reminders for yourself too. Print off a favorite quote of yours, a picture of the finish line at a race you are training for, a picture of your kids. Think of something that: positively motivates you to be healthier; keep proper nutrition and exercise a priority; and is deeply meaningful to you.

I have no idea how to use semicolons, but I throw them out there occasionally to keep that button on my keyboard from getting rusty. I’m a rebel like that.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, thank you for being a reader!