Hamster High Jump is all new to the 2012 Olympic Games in London

The 2012 Summer Olympics start today! Since I am such a big fan of the Summer Games, I came up with an Olympic theme workout for you to do around the house or at the gym.


Javelin press- start off turned side ways, weight at shoulder level, shuffle 2 times, rotate, and then explosively press the weight up. Go for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds, then repeat 3 more times.
Hurdles- Run as fast as you can in place and every 5 seconds, jump over a "hurdle". Go for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, repeat 3 more times.
Triathlon- These exercises will all be performed for 30 seconds with no rest in between. After going through all 3, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat 2 more times.
Bicycle-on your back, hands behind your head, knees been and feet off the ground, "pedal" your right elbow to left knee, then left elbow to right knee.
Swim-on your stomach, "swim" your arms and legs by trying to keep them off the ground. Make sure to keep your head down.
Run- Run or march in place as fast as you can
Fencing lunges- As you lunge, punch your opposite hand out. Right leg lunge, you will punch out with your left hand and vice versa. Go 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, alternating legs each time. Repeat 3 more times.
Boxing- you will perform each of the following exercises for 1 minute each. It will give you some idea of the tip top cardiovascular shape these athletes are in.
     Bob and weave-Squat and slide side to side just like you were going underneath a piece of rope and popping out on the other side. Make sure to bend at your knees, not your back, and keep your hands up the whole time.
     Jump rope- This can be an actual jump rope of the invisible jump rope. If you don't have a jump rope, just mimic the movements.
     Punches- For the last 60 seconds, punch as hard and as fast as you can to finish strong. Use your whole body to throw each punch, as opposed to just using your upper body. Lift your heels, pivot your hips, and explode into each punch.
The whole workout won't take long at all, but you will get in strength training, core training, and fat burning.
PS- If you are looking for a fun way to watch the Olympics with your kids, check this article out: