
Have you ever heard that quote before? It's from American poet Mike Tyson.


This quote applies to this time of year because it is New Year's Resolution time! I have a painful question for you.


How did your resolutions end up last year?


If you're like most of us, your answer is, "Awesome! For the first 2 weeks..."


Most of us are really good about setting the resolutions and getting all fired up about them. The problem is, we plan these resolutions in a vacuum.


We don't take into account the stresses of life. Losing jobs, sick kids, car breaking down, floods, swine flus, and other nasty life events.


This year come up with your If This, Then That plan to go along with your resolutions. I like to call it having a back-up plan to back up, your back-up plan.


A couple examples might be:


I will work out 3 times every week- have workouts you can do at home (sick kids, car won't start) or on the road (unplanned work trip or family emergency).


I will cook dinner at home 4 days this week- have pre-made, healthy Crock Pot meals in the freezer or spend time on the weekends cooking/prepping meals for the week.


I would also encourage you to focus on habits (like I did above), rather than the usual "Lose weight" and "Start working out" goals. Habits are what get you the results you want. Plus you can adjust them up or down based on your success at achieving them.


What habits are you looking to set this year? Respond to this e-mail, let me know what you are wanting to do, and how I can help.


2016 is going to be awesome!


PS- I will send you out TBT post tomorrow that has some different ways to make the New Year your best year.