
Let's say you have to eat a live frog. It's the only thing you have to do all day, but you HAVE to do it.


What type of person are you?


Would you sit around all day staring at the frog knowing you have to eat it some time, but you keep putting it off. No matter what you did all day, it would be in the back of your mind that you have to eat Kermit's brother.


Or would you wake up, stretch, and go scarf down that frog ASAP? Sure it was not an ideal way to start your day, but it's done!


Brian Tracy wrote a book about time management called Eat that Frog! In the book, the "frog" was your most important task of the day. I'm slightly biased, but I consider exercising the most important part of the day.


Time management is really important to exercise too. You need to prioritize your day to make sure you can fit it into your schedule. If you have more than one frog, eat the ugliest one (the most important one) first.


Have you ever had good intentions of starting an exercise program and tried to do it after you did everything else (packing lunches, getting kids to school, going to work, picking kids up, making dinner, etc...)? There is no time and energy left after all that! If something is really important to you, do it before something or someone interferes.


If you are having trouble fitting your workouts in, here is your homework. Schedule it into your day just like you would a meeting at work. Block off that time in your calendar, set reminders on your phone, whatever it takes!


Take charge of your schedule before someone else does. Be a frog eater.