
You have probably heard of the famous book by Dale Carnegie called "How To Win Friends and Influence People". It is filled with his 30 principles on how to accomplish the title of the book.


I think his first principle is one of the most important.


This list of Cs to avoid is especially important when you are talking about your body. How many times have you criticized, condemned, or complained about something regarding your body?


And the magical follow up question to that: How did that work for you?


Below are a few common comments people say to themselves. See if you can figure out what they have in common.


1. Criticize- Ugh, I am so fat!


2. Condemn- I will never lose this weight!


3. Complain- If I was younger, richer, healthier, not so busy, not so tired, and (insert any other excuse) I would lose this weight.


The thing all 3 of those statements have in common is that they are doing absolutely zero to fix the situation. On the contrary they are making things worse!


Instead of concentrating on how you think you are so fat, why not focus on the things your body is actually good at?


It can be overwhelming when you have a lot of weight to lose. You didn't gain all that weight in one month and it won't all come off in one month. One pound at a time. Rinse. Repeat.


Let's say you have a co-worker that complains all day about is constantly complaining about his job, his wife, his kids, his finances, the government, etc... All he ever does is complain, but never does anything to remedy the situation. What are your thoughts about that guy?


You probably get really frustrated and make it a point to avoid him. Complaining without taking action is a sure fire way to be miserable.


What's ONE thing you can do to improve your situation? When you AAA it helps you want to live for another day.






Never give away control of your life by giving in to negative self talk. It leads to a self defeating attitude that will get you nowhere.


Avoid the 3Cs, begin to AAA, and 2016 will be amazing.