“If you can’ get out of your head, get into your body.”

-Tim Ferriss


That quote is not to be confused with that sweet, Billy Ocean song from back in the day.


Do you know what the most common mental disorder in America is? It is estimated that 40 million Americans (about 18% of our population) are effected by anxiety. That is a lot of worry going on out there!


This worrying can go from regular worrying (paying bills, kid’s grades, worried about being overweight, etc...) to worry and anxiety that can cripple you. For the crippling kind of worry, professional help is the best option for you.


But for the regular anxiety, I wanted to share two things that really help me. The first thing relates back to the quote I started this with. Get out and move!


For me, intense exercise can make me forget all of my troubles. When someone is trying to choke me in jiujitsu, I am not worried about paying my mortgage. For some people, going for a run is instant therapy. Try to turn your brain off and let your body take over, you will get some temporary relief at the very least.


The second thing I recommend is the AAA philosophy.



I have preached this for years because it works! When you worry about something, what happens? The problems gets bigger, uglier and more insurmountable. That is not helping anybody.


That is why you need to do something about it! Even something small, can make you feel so much better. Because now you are back in control. You are not passively letting life happen to you.


You can set one of those mini-goals that I talked about on Wednesday. You could start a food journal. You could go for a short walk. The main thing is to stop worrying and start doing.


I guarantee you will feel so much better because it will give you hope. And you can go a long way with just a little bit of hope.


Take action today.