Vandalized stop sign at the Brunswick MARC sta...

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It's that time again, time for me to embarrass my family! I will be on WAAY 31's 4 o'clock news today with tips about better nutrition for moms.


As an exclusive reader of mine you get a sneak preview of what I will be talking about today. And you thought the free Dessert Recipe Book was cool. E-mail me at to get your copy of the recipe book.

My plan is to talk about these 5 things. I'm not guaranteeing anything though.


1. Always keep healthy snacks in your purse. No reason a grown woman should have Phineas and Ferb crackers in her purse. Get your kids used to healthy snacks like fruit or nuts. You will both be much better off.


2. Don't drink your calories. We burn off anywhere between 500-800 calories/ hour in boot camp. Through hard work, effort, and the assistance of MC Hammer. Starbucks has 10 drinks with 500-800 calories in it. The Peppermint White Hot Chocolate has 730 calories if you want to know the one with the highest amount. Plus it has zero MC Hammer.


3. Always eat breakfast. Any moms out there get so rushed getting everybody else ready for school and work they skip breakfast? Not good. You have to eat breakfast every day. Period. People who eat breakfast are able to maintain a healthy weight easier, are in a better mood, are more productive, and have a better memory.


4. Keep a food journal. The rules are if you bite it, you write it. Record everything you eat and drink that has calories in it. You even have to write down the BLT's while you cook. Not the Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato, but the Bites, Licks,and Tastes as you cook. You know who you are. It sounds like a lot of work, but even if you do it a few times here and there it will help. Think of it as your road map. You can look back on it and figure out why your exercise program was successful or not.


5. Be a role model. In my opinion, this is the most important one. Everyone talks about the importance of keeping their kids healthy and feeding them nutritious foods. How important does it look to your kids when they hear you talking about eating healthy, but eating unhealthy yourself? What you DO speaks so much louder than what you SAY. You have to practice what you preach for it to sink in. That is how I started eating vegetables. A few years ago, I had one of those lightning bolt moments that changes the way I ate. I was right in the middle of telling my son that he better eat all his vegetables, when I myself had not eaten a vegetable since I had eaten a piece of celery with some wings in college. I realized how hypocritical that was and I (and my son) both eat vegetables several times a day now. Kids do not buy groceries. Read that again. What you feed them is what they will eat. It won't be easy, you and I both know that. I have sat with my son while he chewed a single piece of grilled chicken literally for 20 minutes. One tiny piece! They will eat healthy if you are eating healthy and that is just the new way it is at your house. You can not depend on the schools, the government, and especially grandparents (you also know who you are) to feed your kid healthy meals. It is YOUR job to take care of that.


You think it is important to have a healthy child? Show it in your actions, not your words.