I know it, you know it, and your kids definitely know it. You are going to slowly eat all of your children’s best Halloween candy when they aren't looking.

This will go on until one day your kid will wake up to a bag of those orange and black candies, a Chick-O-Stick, and some UNICEF change. Happens every year.

So what’s a health conscious, candy-stealing parent to do? If you are me, first you justify that you are doing them a favor by eating their candy because they don’t need all that. Second, you need to develop a plan.

Step 1- Out of sight, out of mind

Put the candy in a place where you and your kids will not be tempted every time they walk into the kitchen. A top pantry shelf is usually a good place to use.

Step 2- Awareness

Despite looking so “fun” and innocent those little candy bars will add up. PopSugar, oddly enough, has a chart where you can look at the calorie, sugar, and fat content of the most popular fun-sized candies. Eat a few of those and next thing you know, you’ve taken in a quick 500 calories. Enjoy the spoils of being a Halloween candy tax-collecting parent, but be aware of what you are taking in.

Step 3- The Aftermath

Not only do you have your child’s candy to contend with, but often times you have leftover candy AND everyone brings their leftover candy to work. I would suggest you either donate your excess candy or donate it. Soup kitchens, homeless shelters, nursing homes, and organizations who support our fighting men and women overseas are a few options to donate to.

The candy at work problem is a little trickier. You can suggest that you donate the candy as an office to one of the above-mentioned organizations. If not, avoid the places where the offending candy is as much as possible. Avoiding temptation is easier than overcoming temptation.

Also, don’t let yourself get too hungry at work with no healthy options or you will find yourself curing your hanger by eating small families of Snickers.

All of it gets back to being aware and having a plan to overcome. We will get through this, stay strong.

PS-when in doubt, just steal all the work candy and donate it. Burn this message after you read it.