
Continuing with the 10 Steps To Fat Loss Success today with Steps 6-10. In case you missed Steps 1-5, you can check them out here --->Part 1


6. Move more, sit less


Energy is a weird thing. You have to have the energy to at least get out and move a little bit, but then that little bit of moving can give you back more energy than you had before. You just need to start.

More and more studies are showing that sitting is worse than smoking and can actually undo all of the exercise you have been doing. Get up at the very least, once and hour and walk around a little bit.


7. Do you even lift bro?

Strength training is the fountain of youth. It can be weights, bands, bodyweight, milk jugs, or whatever you have that provides resistance but you need to get strong and stay strong.

You will build muscle, which will help you get rid of fat, which will make you more mobile, which will make you have better quality of life. Everything gets better when you get stronger.


8. Never settle

You have to continue to challenge yourself. The workout you did 6 months ago does not get you the results it did then. You need to always try to get more reps, more distance, more weight, etc... in everything that you do if you want to keep getting results.


9. H2O you didn't!

Just picture me saying this one really sassy like and you will get the full impact of what I named this step. I have talked about the importance of water a lot lately because it is that important.

Try getting up and drinking a tall glass Magical 3F Water every morning for a week and see if you notice any changes.


success10. Eliminate the negative self talk

I have an experiment for you. Start talking about or thinking about someone you have not seen in awhile. An old roommate, a friend you haven't see in awhile something like that. More times than not, you will hear from that person within the next week.

It's crazy! But it works. It's called the Law of Attraction. Some people call it a self fulfilling prophesy.

Whatever you call it, you want to avoid negative thoughts about yourself. Constantly calling yourself fat, old, tired, and other insults does you absolutely no good. On the other hand, it actually cements those thoughts in your head and bleeds over into your behaviors.

Instead, do the opposite. Work on constantly encouraging and inspiring yourself. Get around people who do the same. Words have power, let them work to your advantage.


Where do you need to start? Pick one you can start making a habit today. Hope you found this list helpful.